NGOs question 2nd-generation biofuels

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A group of US NGOs have published a letter examining second-generation biofuel technology.

Just days after the Ecologist’s February 2009 edition hit the shelves, with its cover story on the tenuous case for second-generation biofuels, a group of US NGOs published an open letter describing the technology as ‘a dangerous green bubble’.

The groups, including the Global Justice Ecology Project, ETC Group and the Rainforest Action Network, are calling on the US government radically to reduce the demand for energy, to ignore the pleas of agribusiness and biotechnology firms, and to repeal the Bush Administration’s Renewable Fuel Standard, which sets a target for the quantity of biofuels to be produced.

To read the full text of the letter, read ‘Unsustainable Biofuels’.

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