Sweatshops - what you can do - suggestions by Anita Roddick

These websites all provide news, background information, campaigning tools and action alerts for anti-sweatshop activists.

Behind the Label
Multimedia news magazine and online community detailing the hidden stories of the millions of workers around the world who make our clothes, the people who care how their clothes are made and the
multinational corporations behind the labels.

Burma Campaign UK
Part of a global movement campaigning for human
rights and democracy in Burma. It publishes a dirty list
of companies operating in the country, many of which
are supported by Burma’s ruthless military junta.

Campaign for Labor Rights

Self-styled grassroots mobilising department of the US
anti-sweatshop movement.

Clean Clothes Campaign
European network of national groups campaigning for
rights for garment workers worldwide.

Ethical Consumer

Manchester-based website and magazine detailing
the social and environmental records of the big corporate brands.
0161 226 2929

US/Labor Education in the Americas Project
An independent NGO that supports economic justice
and basic worker rights in Latin America. Focuses
especially on the struggles of people working, directly
or indirectly, for US companies like Starbucks, fruit
giant Chiquita and fashion company Phillips-Van

Fair Olympics campaign
Campaign calling on the International Olympic
Committee (IOC), the organisation responsible for the
Olympic Games (being held in Athens this summer), and
IOC-endorsed sportswear companies to act against
exploitation in the factories that supply the corporations.

Haiti Support Group
Launched in June 1992 in the aftermath of the military coup that overthrew the first democratic government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Actively supports trade unions organising in Haiti’s sweatshops.

Labour Behind the Label
UK network of organisations supporting garment
workers’ efforts to defend their rights and improve their
wages and conditions.

Maquila Solidarity Network
Canadian network promoting solidarity with Latin
American and Asian groups organising to improve
conditions and wages in export processing zones.

Musicians Against Sweatshops
Coalition of musicians and artists. Its members
include Chumbawumba, Asian Dub Foundation and
Billy Bragg. Links to a sweat-free shopping mall.

SFU No Sweat Campaign
Student-led coalition working towards a no-sweat
and fair-trade purchasing policy for products bought
and sold on the campus of Simon Fraser University
in British Columbia, Canada. A model for student

Sweatshop Watch
California-based coalition of individuals and more
than 30 labour, community, civil and immigrant
rights, women’s, religious and student organisations
working to eliminating sweatshop exploitation.

Thai Labour Campaign
Non-profit NGO committed to promoting workers’ rights in Thailand and increasing awareness of labour issues globally.

United Students Against Sweatshops
Website of the biggest campus movement in the US
since the Vietnam war. Lots of useful guides and

Women Working Worldwide
Small British voluntary organisation working with a
global network of women worker organisations. The
focus, so far, has been on industries that have
relocated to the developing world, particularly the
textile and garment industries.

These sites focus on individual companies with
particularly egregious reputations for the way they
treat their workforce.
Coca-Cola www.cokewatch.org
McDonald’s www.mcspotlight.org
Gap www.gapsucks.orgnike
Nike www.saigon.com/~nike
Wal-Mart www.walmartsucks.com

This article first appeared in the Ecologist March 2006


For ethical and sustainable suppliers of Clothing goods and services check out the Ecologist Green Directory here

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